Queering the Green

by Paul Maddern

Queering the Green

by Paul Maddern


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“… every poem is a queering of language; every poetry critic is a critic of the queer; every reader of poetry is engaged in a queer act; every performance of poetry is a queer iteration.  

But only we are queer.”

–Paul Maddern, from the introduction.

Queering the Green brings together 31 of the most distinctive Irish poets to emerge since 2000 and, taken together, these writers represent the multiplicity and vibrancy of the queer experience in 21st Century Ireland. Several are already recognised as leading poets in Ireland, but the anthology also includes poets at the beginning of their career who are redefining the landscape of Irish poetry.

The anthology addresses the exclusions of the past, speaks to the diversity of the present, and points towards the radical possibilities of the future.  

Additional Information

Weight700 g
Dimensions21 × 14 × 5 cm