No Alibis is an Independent Bookstore based in Belfast. We have been selling books on Botanic Avenue, within the Queen’s Quarter, for over 25 years.
We are a community bookshop. We are a general bookshop with a particular interest in children’s books, Irish literature, history and politics, the humanities and, of course, mystery fiction.
We are also a hub for the creative arts. We regularly host concerts, book launches, poetry readings, and lectures.
David is the owner of No Alibis. He loves his work. He has the least amount of hair but is not the shortest.
John is our resident children’s book specialist. He also enjoys reading fiction, the more pretentious the better, writing, and the bumpty beats of house music.
Ríbh is our chief sign – writer and shortest member of staff. She likes cats, Kaffeo Cookies, and alphabetising bookshelves. She also thinks of herself as the wittiest member of staff, with the most hair.
Stephen’s interests start with poetry and move out in all sorts of directions into history, art and science. He is a founder of The Lifeboat, a small poetry press and with a Northern Ireland and Ulster 3000m steeplechase title to his name, he reckons he is one of the fastest booksellers around.
Emma was, but no longer is our newest member of staff. She also works in publishing as Commissioning Editor at No Alibis Press. Emma reads everything, the more avant garde the better. She may well be the tallest member of staff. She is most certainly the trendiest with best footwear.
Claudia & Rodger
Claudia is our second shortest member of staff. She loves the dark psychological stuff but is really quite a cheery person. As you can see from her picture she also loves cats.
Alex is our punniest member of staff. Her quick wit is razor sharp and she’s sure to recommend some of the best historical fiction novels with a bit of feminism on the side. Don’t mess up her beautifully colour co-ordinated Staff Picks section!
Please Note: Whilst we tend to express a love for our feline friends we also are quite fond of our barking and tail wagging friends.